Guardians of the Grove
Hunt for Fennic Arc
The Tres Amigos
Session 9/8/22

After an overdue long rest, the group has been given a new task by Mattias to bring back their friend Diego. Meeting Eltuire outside the Villa, she negotiates her way into the group for her own personal reasons. The following day the group is split as Wulf, Nirruk, and Atheya go to speak with the Arcane Eye’s Tianna to learn more about a possible item for Nirruk. Meanwhile, Mattias approaches Corvus, Blood, and Eltuire about a possible captain who has retreated to a nearby fort. Blood excited to show off his new self-appointed role as “strongest” decides the party should take the job.
Before leaving the town, they head over to the armory where Eltuire is able to negotiate her way into receiving some Keeper attire. However, the bumbling duo of Corvus and Blood do not receive the same kindness and leave empty-handed relying on their own magical means for disguises to infiltrate the fort.
On their way out of the city, Blood and Corvus are confronted by Lexa, the opportunist. In which she extorts the duo on behalf of Diego's Death and interest of 1000 gold a day until the debt is paid. After coming to terms, and no Wulf to dispute the current terms she leaves but not empty-handed as he pilfers Corvus’ magic amulet which is quickly discarded and discovered by some nearby children that Corvus pays to relinquish his item.
After camping nearby, the group develops a plan, and Eltuire wonders how they ever got anything done, as several iterations of “sneaking in” leads to the group deciding to attempt to poison the fort by posing as soldiers still but contaminating their food supply in order to leave with their captain alive and retrieve the bounty of 6000 instead of 3000. After talking their way into the fort, the trio is let inside and navigate their way to the chef whom makes some rude accusation that Eltuire should be helping in the kitchen. Rightfully embarrassed he leaves to go get the spices with Corvus while Blood decides the amount of poison to put in the food.
How Eltuire sees the group currently
Corvus: an open book - friendly
Wulf: angry bear, but softy - neutral
Nirruk: quiet - too quiet - neutral
Atheya : the voice - friendly
Blood: cocky - defensive
Diego: Dead - “Strongest”